Service Offer

Online Training

hannah stretching

Online Training

  • Not able to go to a gym and wanting home workouts?
  • Needing guidance in the gym?
  • Want to learn how to train for life by learning a simple system you can understand?
  • Need something you will be able to use and modify the older you get?
  • Needing guidance on your habits, nutrition, injuries, mechanics, strength training, Olympic lifting?
  • Getting ready for a 5k, dancer, swimmer, olympic lifter, tennis or golf player?

Sign Up

The first step is to sign up and we will schedule a Zoom consultation.

Next step is to create a login for your online workout portal. This is where you will have access to your workouts and enter information into your progress report. I will be able to check up on you and see if you have been doing your homework!

We will have FaceTime sessions which will entail:

  • Reviewing your mechanics
  • Nutrition and habit building

You will have personalized workouts fit for your goals!

“The storm is not as important as the path it opens up.”